
Easter Sunday

I hope everyone is enjoying Easter Sunday!  We are feeling a little worse for wear after spending yesterday evening at the annual Easter carnival, twirling on the scary rides (well, only one really, that was all I was able to get Cameron on.  Boooooo), watching the fireworks and playing the creepy clowns.

Wholesome-looking couple, aren't they?

The kids got loads of chocolate from Nanna, and I knew this would be the case, so I didn't buy too much for them.  I made them each a toy Easter bunny in lieu of more chocolate.  And luckily, I managed to get their bunnies finished just in the nick of time (which was no mean feat, as my boss at work has injured herself and I had to work a couple of extra shifts).  I will be more organised next year! (Ooooo, I just got de ja vu!)

Sophie May's has been dragged about by every appendage it has and has already got a splodge of breakfast on the back of its head.  Poor thing.

Cameron is much more interested in his egg, and is more than likely just humouring his mother, because he's a sweetheart.  Can I ask, is seven too old for giving boys this sort of thing?   Please excuse the state of his hair by the way (you can't even glue it down once it grows past an inch!)

Stay safe everyone, and enjoy the rest of your weekend x