
Batten down the hatches....

...a major storm is crossing the coast at the moment, one that we've been warned about since mid yesterday.  This one has come hot on the heels of damaging winds and storms we were subjected to on Sunday, which left tens of thousands of homes without power for a considerable time.  We were lucky enough to have ours restored after 21 hours.  But many are still without power and will have to withstand this awfulness in the dark.  Cameron's teacher has sent him home with a letter, informing us of a likely school closure due to the severity of the forecast storm, and possible damage it may cause.  It is all a little bit scary.

As I type, the wind is howling past my window, and causing things to clank and shudder and bend and creak.   But we've been told the real fun will start at about ten o'clock and endure for several hours.  We have our emergency kit, and really-important-phone-numbers at the ready and we are prepared for what will probably be a sleepless night of peeking out the window, watching debris flying down the road, and consoling freaked-out children.   The joy of winter!

As we may well lose our power again tonight, I thought it might be a good idea to fill our tummies with something warm and comforting.  Paul and I are somewhat carbohydrate-conscious during the week, saving the starchy stuff, for the weekend.  But I thought what the heck!  Potatoes and dumplings tonight!   

With all those carbs loose in my system, I am ready for anything!   But hopefully, not something like running around the neighbourhood picking up pieces of my house.

Ooooo, it's starting to get really wild now.  Good luck and best wishes to everyone.  All that's left to do now is to sit and wait.  And knit!

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