
Toddler tee makeover

I've been madly buying up three dollar t-shirts from Best and Less because I'm wanting to try my hand at some screen-printing at some stage in the future.  Well, quite probably.  Perhaps in a couple of weeks, that fancy will have passed and I'll have some other whim floating about in my head.  That's usually the way it goes. 

However, I couldn't resist giving one of the boring grey shirts a ruffly makeover and managed to find some red polka dot jersey and an old t-shirt in my stash which was very nearly the same shade of grey.  Which is surprisingly difficult:  who knew there were so many shades of grey marle?


  1. Your blog looks great.

    Thanks for following Frazzled Fran. Returning the favor.

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Hi Lainey, am following you back. Thanks for visiting my blog! And gosh, love the ruffles on your toddler tee! Cool! I have a book on how to make dresses for my girl but I'm taking ages to read and digest it! =) Be in touch!

    A Happy Mum

  3. Fantastic blog! I sew too!
    Monica at marinobambinos.com

  4. Do you know that I love every little thing here-- really, truly.

    Following ya now from Make My Morning and hopin' that in just the teensiest tinsiest way this little follow makes your Monday just a bit sweeter. =)
    If you're up for a bit of a ride I'd love it if you'd join us at localsugarhawaii.com where we're riding the wave of life one little adventure at a time.


  5. Hi there! :) I'm following you via Make My Morning. Look forward to reading more! Come on by and check out my blog! I would appreciate the follow back! Have a great day!


  6. That's AMAZING! You are so talented, I would never have even dremed of doing that! Stoping by from Make My Morning Hop and am now a new follower! I would love if you could follow back;)


  7. This is great. I have a bunch of these dresses for my little girl, but I'm sure this was much cheaper. I am stopping by from MBC and am a new follower. I would be so grateful if you would link up at Mom's Library! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hi, coming via Brooke's blog. That is so creative - love it!

  9. OMG I love this - very creative! I'm your newest follower http://mymorningcupofcoffee.blogspot.com/
