
Super quick mini marshmallow cone cakes

Cooking cake in ice-cream cones is a fantastic idea (and not mine, unfortunately) for kids, because they are easy for little hands to handle, and they're cute and novel. On the down side though, they are HUGE.  Two bites is enough for most littlies.     Plus, you can't make them ahead of time and freeze them, or else the cones go all soggy and gross on the thaw.  (Yes, I tried.  Stupid me.)  These little cakes are teeny sized, easy to eat, and you can make the little cakes, chuck them in the freezer and put everything together whenever you're ready, in about a half hour.  Bonus.

Make your little cakes.  A favourite recipe perhaps, or a cake mix.  Bake them in the mini-sized patty pans, instead of the regular size ones for about 8-10 minutes. 
Get some kiddy cones (these are about 3 inches longs).
For a bit of added pizazz, I bought some of those new Pascall Swirl marshmallows from Woolworths (try them, they are YUM).  Of course this is optional, or you may think of some other yummy surprise to put in the cone (I think fairy floss would be a rather splendid alternative, especially for a fairy themed birthday party.  That idea makes this marshmallow look a bit boring now.  Too late).  I shoved a marshmallow upside down in the cone...

...then peeled the liner from the cake and pushed the cake on top (really ram it on there, so it doesn't come off.)

Get yourself some cardboard, a cereal box or something similar, and cut holes in it large enough to slot your cones into.
Pop it over an empty lunchbox, drop your cones into it and swirl butter cream on top (I made up half the recipe I used here).  Shake your sprinkles on top, and that's it!

You can fancy them up however you please.  A sweet little gift box, or if you are really clever you could fashion a little bouquet out of them with tissue paper and ribbon.  I took mine to my friend Honi's house for morning tea and wrapped a round takeaway container in wrapping paper and used that as a presentation box.  Yeah, I know, look at me.  No expense spared for my friends!


  1. Mmmmm the swirls look yummy! I'll have to look out for them next time i'm shopping.

    I've always wanted to try cake in an ice-cream cone - I don't know why, but I always thought it was baked in the cone!! No idea how I thought that would be possible! LOL.

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  3. Becka, it absolutely is possible! I've made them before, but they turn out massive. I baked them in the cone for Cameron's second birthday and the kids left most of them behind. Google "icecream cone cakes" or something similar and you'll find loads of recipes. These are alot smaller, which is better for toddlers (and mums who are left demolishing the leftovers...)

  4. may I say, they were the most beautiful and delicious cakes ever!!! thamk you so much Lainie! yummmmmm! Love Honi xxxx

  5. I have just deleted my link to the ones baked in cones - mine were items that didn't get to the party table - too big, mixture ran everywhere, cones went soggy (but that could just be me) - THESE are a BRILLIANT idea. Thanks very much.
